Great Cacapon/Berkeley Springs WV, July 17-18, 2010

Lee & George Ross, his friend of 40+ years, head for the mountains of NE West Virginia, near Berkeley Springs..........Destination is Cox Campground, owned by George's friend......This is definately banjo-music country!!
Cacapon River, flowing into the Potomac River at the little burg of
Great Cacapon, WV - a town that's seen better days.....

Great Cacapon in the distance, with view of the Potomac River. The
C&O Canal follows the river.
Set-up at Cox Campground, carved out of a mountain top
way off the beaten path, somewhere in West Virginia.......
George's first visit to the Paw Paw Tunnel, a C&O Canal shortcut
built in the mid-1800's.....Quite the engineering feat of its day.

West end of tunnel - East entrance is 1300' away....

Berkeley Springs State Park. Hundreds of springs provide clear cool water
estimated at over 50,000 gallons a minute...........George Washington
frequented the springs and owned property nearby.....
Springs feel great on a hot day!

A stop at the waterfall in Cacapon State Park, just outside
of Berkely Springs.......

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About Me

College Park, MD, Wash. DC metro area, United States
Lee is the manager of College Park Airport (world's oldest airport in continuous operation!), Kathy is Ex. Ass't. to Prez of a Fortune 500 company. Both Barth junkies, they enjoy restoring a '78, 24' Barth and exploring the mid-Atlantic area in it. Kathy was born & raised in the Washington DC area - Lee has been there for several decades......