Point Lookout State Park - '08 Season Opener !!

The LOVES of Lee's life (especially the non-shiny one.....)
On this particular day, at this particular time, Lee can officially report that the Chesapeake Bay and all its tributaries contain NO fish........Zero....Zip......Nada......Great weather though !......

Great campsites, with plenty of privacy!

Chesapeake Bay, with relatively unspoiled shoreline & miles of good biking roads & trails.

As you drive around the area, somehow you just know that you're in Southern Maryland !

Monument at the mass-grave site for Confederate soldiers - now a federally owned cemetery.

Point Lookout is a state park today. But in the Civil War it served as a POW camp to intern Confederate soldiers. Poor living conditions and epidemics killed thousands...........

The original Point Lookout lighthouse....decommissioned in the 1960's........

Point Lookout is about as far south as you can get in Maryland. It's at the tip of St. Mary's County, where the Potomac River joins the Chesapeake Bay, about a 90 mile drive from the Washington DC area. We left College Park in the drizzle on Friday afternoon (5/16), beat the traffic with no problem and had a leisurely two hour drive.

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About Me

College Park, MD, Wash. DC metro area, United States
Lee is the manager of College Park Airport (world's oldest airport in continuous operation!), Kathy is Ex. Ass't. to Prez of a Fortune 500 company. Both Barth junkies, they enjoy restoring a '78, 24' Barth and exploring the mid-Atlantic area in it. Kathy was born & raised in the Washington DC area - Lee has been there for several decades......